Tuesday 23 November 2010

Tenders back

Tenders should be back now, only 2 weeks late and still without window & door pricing thanks to Nordan's typical Norwegian get it done sometime approach! Good news is that all 7 companies were going to return. Maybe some of them are hungry and back in the real world after many years of flying high and more work than they could handle!. Hoping the pricing is in line with our estimates - this is the one big contract that was difficult to get a good estimate for. SIPs pricing is back now and have us pencilled in for a May 2011 structure erection start. Its going to be a busy summer next year.

Friday 12 November 2010

Waiting for builder tenders to come back

Another week to wait for the builder tenders to come back before we can start the process of finding ourselves a builder. Resigned to the fact that we won't get started until 2011 now but have SIPs Industries lined up for a beginning of May 2011 structure erection so starting to get a time line set. Its only 5-1/2 months until 1st May and still a lot to sort out - help!. After so much planning it will be good to finally get going