Wednesday 23 March 2011

Under building complete

Over the last week the weather has co operated with us and it has been mostly dry but with a cold wind still blowing through. This hasn't stopped the brickies from cracking on with the under building and now the house and garage substructures are built and the retaining wall to the west of the house will be done tomorrow

House & garage under building complete

Retaing wall starting to take shape

Next week the drainage goes in, along with the rainwater harvesting tank & sewage tank, the under building  back filled and hopefully the floor slabs poured before the building contractor has a weeks holiday.

With most of the ground floor walls being SIPs and requiring load bearing under building we can really start to see the lay out of the ground floor stating to take shape.

I have lined the drillers up now to be on site 11th April to complete the drilling of the two bore holes for the ground source heat pump (GSHP) system. This is a week later than originally planned but was a float week in the schedule so no overall impact.

SIP panels are due to start going up on the 18th April which is great timing since we will be back in Aberdeen from the 16th for a couple of weeks after packing everything up here is Stavanger and before flying down to Copenhagen

Thursday 17 March 2011

Under building under way

After a week of inactivity due to the weather, its back to work this week. The erection of the under building being the focus of attention this week and next week. There are only two guys working on site blocking away but they are working at an impressive rate! From just having footings down on Tuesday morning

Footings laid

they had a substantial amount of the external walls completed by Thursday evening.

Under building going up
Gary & Jim hard at it
These guys do everything themselves, they are brickie and gopher all in one!

We can't believe how high these walls are, they are just to the ground floor level. There's a lot of back filling to be done! Its really good though to finally see us getting above the ground. Despite losing a week to the weather we are still much further on than we originally anticipated, in fact we did expect to get started until the end of March.

Long may the good progress last

Friday 11 March 2011

Snow stops play

After two weeks of good progress the weather has turned wintery again  and there has been no work on site this week. We do have building block and sand now on site for the underbuilding which we will hopefull get started with next week - weather permitting

Saturday 5 March 2011

Good progress during week 2

We have just finished our second week on site and are making good progress. What was only two weeks ago a field is now clearly a building site.

Top soil stripped from site
The foundations were poured on Friday 4th March and the under building will get started next week. Needed to pour an additional 15m3 concrete due to some large soft spots but apart from that haven't come across any major problems yet. Surface water soakaway is in and we have had our engineer out to look at it several times due to some concerns with the high water table in the area. Things look good though and I think it is just due to the fact that we have hard granite only a meter or two below the soil surface and I think the water tends to run over the top of this. This time of year the water table is usually at its highest so most of the time it should only be better. Hope the rain water harvesting tank will act as a good buffer for this sytem as well.

Surface water soak away and field drain
So far we are still pretty much on schedule, its amazing how quickly things seem to be going. Only 6 weeks until the SIPs structure is due to go up but I may see if we can pull this forward a week. Looks like we will be back in Aberdeen for this happening as we transition from Stavanger to Copenhagen and a new job. It will be exciting to see the structure going up.

Looks like I have a driller & GSHP installer lined up again after the company who was going to do the work went out of business (thats the second company who had gone to the wall that we had selected - maybe I am doing something wrong - but thankfully we are not out any money this time round ). Should get our bore holes drilled at the end of March ahead of the structure going up.