Friday 24 February 2012

UFH installation progressing

Things progressing slowly at the moment since we have moved inside with the work scope. This is due to our UFH contractor (us!) not being availble to get back on site on a regaular basis and getting the UFH system installed is on the critical path. We were back for a long week during the kids winter break and managed to get all the UFH loops installed on the first floor and all the materials that were laying around the house moved into the garage - where they are now laying around!

Heidi and I worked hard while mum & dad looked after the boys for a few days - although visually not much seemed to have changed despite al lot of effort. This allowed us to make good progress although all the tidying up and small fiddly jobs always take more time than you think. I also started to don my ventilation and plumbers caps with some hardware being installed under the steps in the storage room ahead of us screeding. Again a fiddly job with lots of pipe and ducts running in a fairly small area

Heidi also had a meeting with a landscaping company about progressing the landscaping works, in particular the fencing around the site since we have nothing there anymore. We also met with the building contractor to discuss outstanding point so that we can get that contract closed out. It was fairly small list since we have kept on top of small snagging items as we have gone along.

I am back for a weekend in just over a weeks time and hope to get cracking with more ground floor insulation, DPM & UFH pipe laying operations planned. We are then back as a familiy again the week of Easter for a big push to get us to screeding readiness