Tuesday 9 July 2013

Bathroom second fix under way

Lots to report this post (well lots of pictures anyway) after a week of hard work. Having left the family in South Carolina with Heidi's parents I (Tor) had a full week with my dad working on bathrooms and finishing off the kitchen. With 5 bathrooms to do (including the powder room) there was a lot to get through especially the rooms with baths and showers. Good progress was made however although not one room is finished yet due to various small issues or needing additional parts to hook everything up. This is of course somewhat disappointing as it just adds to the feeling that everything is half done but there is lots to be happy with and all the rooms are looking great.

Master en-suite toilet and shower

Family vanity and towel rail

Powder room (artificial light)
Shower room towel rail

Shower room shower screen
Master en-suite vanity
Guest en-suite shower & basin
On Friday we had the wooden table and glass splash backs installed in the kitchen and after 5 days in the bathrooms I took a break on day 6 and finished the plumbing in the kitchen. This room is now complete :) and looks great. The ruby red splash backs really add an extra dimension to the room and the wooden "egg" table doesn't take up as much room as I had though it would. There is still plenty of room and a good flow around that end of the island.

Kitchen "egg" table

Kitchen from dining room
On day 7 - no I didn't create the earth! - there was more work in the bathrooms and a distraction of installing the solar tube in the powder room. This works very well indeed giving a good amount of light in this room without any windows.
Powder room under natural light

How the light gets there

We will be back as a family in only a couple weeks time again for another big push to get things finished off and move that bit closer to completion.

This week the joiners are back in laying the oak flooring so the house will look a lot different when we are back