Friday 20 September 2013

Utility room units installed

Catching up from some work completed a couple of weeks ago here when I was back in Aberdeen for Offshore Europe and extended that into a weekend work trip.

The main thing on my agenda was installing the utility room units and work surfaces. I was also meant to install the sink but ran into a problem with that. In addition to the utility room I also finished off building the log store, installed the solar tube in the family bathroom and fitted the remainder of the gas line from the cylinders to the house.

Utility room units looking towards the pend

Utility room looking towards the kitchen

Log store
The joiners had basically finished installing the handles to the doors and had made good progress on installing skirting board. they have had some issues with cupping of the wood for door stops so these are cut but are resting before being planned flat and then installed

Heidi is currently over at the house painting, wax oiling and installing a new sink unit (with the help of dad) and taping and filling in the garage - next update when she is back with some pictures. As long as we can get the plasterer to turn up again we are stilling looking good to be done by the end of September and have our final inspection completed mid October when we are back as a family.