Friday 11 February 2011

Almost time to get started

After a good meeting with AGG on the 4th Feb its been a week of pulling information together for them in preparation of getting started. Its going to be getting cold here in Stavanger in the next week, -10 C again during the day, but looks like the long term forecast for Inverurie is on the positive side of zero which is good news and shoudln't cause us any delays. Busy chasing down water & electricty connection during the week but the ball is rolling. Musn't forget BT!. Burning the candle at night since it is near impossible to get anything done while the boys are up, and doing a bits and pieces here and there while at work ;)

Hoping to be able to come back the week things get kicked off to check that everything  is set out correctly but will in the main be leaving it in Tor's dad's hands to be our eyes and ears on site for us. Thanks dad!.

Off to St Anton skiing next week so only 2 more work days to finalise those last few things. After waiting so long to get going the last few weeks have fairly flown by and its all been a bit of a scramble the last week or so - well that show it feels anyway

1 comment:

  1. Superb Tor, exciting stuff. Funny you mentioning the electricity connection, what a hassle I had with that today. SSE are hooking up a temporary line on 24th, which cost £459 to erect virtually next to the main line, then the supplier has to fit a meter then electrician an RCD box, but before all this i have to fit a weather box. All that for a simple job!!
    Oh, got BT on the go tonight too.. good fun!!

