Saturday 9 April 2011

Floor slabs poured

 Another short week with work starting on Wednesday. Good progress was made finishing the internally drainage,
West side of the house

East side of the house
pouring the floor slabs

DPM down in master bedroom & lounge
Pouring the concrete by digger bucket
Leveling & smoothing the slabs

Floor slabs poured

and getting started with the external drainage.

Drainage outside the main entrance

Drainage between house and garage

Starting to get a bit behind schedule with the drainage work now which should have been completed a week ago. Rainwater harvesting tank is to go in next week now while the drillers are doing their thing. Should be spreading the top soil over the main garden next week so we can clear that away from being too close to the trees. With continued access for heavy machinery required to both sides of the house still, and until all the external masonary work and roofing is done it will be a while before the sewage tank goes in.

Drillers in next week for the bore hole and SIPs Industries still lined up for the following week. Soon we'll have a structure that looks like a house

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