Friday 28 October 2011

House is now fully weather tight

A big acheivement this week was the completion of the roofing works on the utility room wing. This means the house is now fully wind and water tight before the worst of the winter weather arrives. The other big step this week was the removal of the scaffolding from around the house. It can now be seen in its finished external state.

We also had the electricty meter installed at the end of last week and a temporary supply hooked up in the house. This will allow us to progress with the installation of the partition walls on the first floor, the next step towards getting the UFH pipes installed on that floor and ultimately getting the screed laid. That is the next big mile stone that we are working towards.

On the construction front the brickies were back to finish off the foundations on the garage this week and the scaffolding went up around the garage as well. This will allow the garage timber frame to be erected next week. The ground floor panels and roof trusses are onsite - just need bodies on site now to pu the jigsaw together!

Booked a further weekend trip back in late November to dig the trenches for the GSHP flow and return pipes. I'll be doing digging with a mini excavator which will be fun! Its also a good oppertunity to progress the laying of more floor insulation. This is  the critical path workscope right now with regard to getting the screed down so an extra weekend working on that this year is helpful.

No pictures this week - you will have to wait another week for those.

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