Sunday 20 November 2011

Internal works progressing

Progress has continued over the last few weeks with the garage roof starting to take shape and the partition walls starting to go in on the first floor.

North side of garage roof almost complete
House & garage together

On the first floor the flat ceilings have now mostly been formed  formed along with the partition walls so it is now possible to see better what the room layout is going to be like when everything is finished. The joiners remembered to put the MVHR unit up into the attic space before the last joists went up. Good thing since it wont fit between the joists - hope we never need to take it down again!

Partition wall between Fraser's room & recreation room
Flat ceiling with MVHR unit (in box still)
Flat ceiling and partition walls in Ewan's room
I (Tor) was also back a week ago and started to get the first of the UFH pipe work installed in the master wing with help from mum & dad. Many lessons were learnt along the way which will hopefully result in a more efficent operation in future.

200mm thick insulation down first.....
...followed by DPM...
...then the UFH pipes

The master wing is good to go now and the insulation is almost complete in the lounge and started in the study.

Hopefully the partition walls are almost complete now and the garage roof finished. I'll have the oppertunity to see next weekend when I am back digging some trenches for the GSHP flow & return pipe which are scheduled to be installed into the house by the end of the month.

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