Saturday 7 April 2012

Ready for screed

After 8 hard days work we are now ready for the screed to be poured on both floors of the house. We have been busy laying floor insulation , DPM and UFH pipe work all week. Its amazing how much time this all takes.  There have been times when I have thought I should have just paid someone to do this but doing it ourselves I know that things have been done correctly and know the systems inside out now - not to mention hopefully saving some costs. All the sweat equity we are investing makes the emotional bond with the house stronger! We ran out of clips for the UFH pipes on Wednesday and Heidi checked with an untold number of companies in the area before finally managing to source some locally on Friday which really saved our bacon. This was about the one material shortage of the works so the up front planning was pretty good - even if I say so myself!

All UFH loops are now terminated and have been pressure tested. Getting to this stage has been critical path activity for us and when the floors are screeded we can really start to progress again. We had a meeting with our joiner during the week as well to discuss the next stage of work for him since this is the next phase of work for us.

Looking from thedining room to the front door - DPM  down
Kitchen with DPM & pipe Cliptrack

UFH pipes installed in the dining and hall area
The big 10 loop UFH manifold before termination....

....and after

We also took delivery of the insulation that goes below the first floor ( keeping the heat from the UFH system in the first floor screed rather than going down to heat the air in the ceiling of the ground floor ) and the garage storage area plus the two baths for the house during the week so have no space left in the garage now. these two deliveries were delayed from our February trip over so it was good to finally get the goods on site.

While the house is basically completed externally the garden still needs attention and Heidi had a meeting with the landscapers during the week to try to progress this aspect. Between them they have some interesting ideas which I am looking forward to seeing sketched up. We are looking at keeping things simple inititally until we are actually back in Scotland but still wondering how much this will cost to acheive.

After concentrating on getting ready for the screed for so long my thoughts can now turn to the work list for my next work weekend in the beginning of May. I look forward to having solid floors again and not having to tip toe around on the insulations and UFH pipes

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