Wednesday 5 September 2012

Almost ready for plaster boarding to begin

A bit of a delayed update here from a couple of weeks ago.

I had another weekend back at the house working away on getting more first fix work done on various system. Unfortunately the plumbing wasn't one of them, I only managed to discover more problems with the routing of the pipes. Good progress was made on all other systems though with the last of the central vacuum sockets being installed, CAT 5E cables run for all UFH thermostats and MVHR ducts run up into the attic in Ewan's bedroom and secured. All this means that various section of the house are now almost ready for plaster board to be hung. There are some small things that are still outstanding but Heidi is heading over for 5 days on Saturday to finish these items off.

Cramped conditions installing CV piping

Soil pipe and CV pipe installed

Getting at least some plaster board up will feel like a psychological milestone. With all other systems almost done for first fix I can now focus on the plumbing when I next get over at the end of the month again.  We are over in October as a family and we will have a big push then to get all outstanding work done for first fix.

The other reason for Heidi going over this week is that we have the turf in the garden being laid. Clearing of the weeds and spreading the remaining top soil has started this week. Planting beds will also be formed and mulched at the same time. It will be good to have the garden looking good to match the house exterior.

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