Monday 30 May 2011

SIPS structure is up

Its been several weeks since I have found the time to get an update posted but over that time work has continued to progress at a good pace and the whole SIPS house structure is now up and covered on breather membrane. This is a big step for us since we are now able to really visualise the size of the house and how a majority of the rooms are going to feel when we are complete.

We were very lucky with the weather during the 6 week period over which the structure went up with only a few rainy days and a couple of very windy days towards the end. With the membrane now up the structure is now fairly water tight, apart from the big gaps where the windows will be installed!

The following pictures show how the last of the structure came together

One of the big glulan purlin beams is lowered into position

Roof panels on the south side being installed
The roof panels installed were the biggest done by SIPs Industries to date with some panels weighing 2.5 tonnes. Lifting these into postion on the back of the house required a 60 MT crane to be able to boom out 30m and still be capable of making the lift.

One of the big roof panels being installed on the north roof
 The triangular bathroom dormer proved especially tricky to install due to a pitch change in the roof about half way down it. This ultimately required some onsite modifications to resolve the problem and allow this feature dormer to be installed sucessfully

The tricky bathroom dormer being put together....

.....and finally finished!
Roofing membrane has replaced roofing felt these days. The membrane has the advantage of allowing the structure to "breathe" while still preventing water ingress.

The south side

The guest & master bedroom wing

The recreaction room

 Inside the room shaps are starting to take shape, especially on the ground floor.

View from the front door
Lower hall looking towards the kitchen door

Upper hall from the guest bedroom door

Work on installing the roof will get started either this week or next week. There are over 4000m of baton and counter baton to install before we can even think about getting started on the slates. Before that happens though we need the joiners in first though to shape the end of the rafters and install the OSB cover plate beyond the end of the SIPs and the larch fascia boards

1 comment:

  1. The installation seemed to be quite hard, especially in the part of lifting the panels. But I’m glad everything went great. I am really amazed about the structure of the house particularly with the triangular bathroom. That’s quite tricky, but you were able to put it all together perfectly.

    -Kevin Noel
