Saturday 13 August 2011

Progressing with roof, larch cladding and window installation

A couple of weeks worth of work to catch up on in this post. It was good to be back on site for the last couple of weeks, even if it was frustrating sometimes with the boys wanting constant attention. Thankfully mum helped out looking after the boys for a few days which allowed me to get on with my to do list. It really is useful being able to look at things with the tradesmen and come up with solutions to problems. Thanksfully most things have been relatively small issues and easily rectified. This time I think we solved more than we uncovered :)

Progress has been good but hindered by the weather at times especially on the roof work thanks to the miserable weather we had for some days. However the north roof is progressing and the plumber was back to measure up for the flat lead roof.

North roof is about half finished now

Hopefully by the end of the coming week we will have a water tight roof in place.

The larch cladding has continued with both dormers now completed

North dorner fully clad

Detail of the larch bead and window frame

most soffits in place and work now starting on cladding the main structure where it is specified.

Master bedroom windows and larch cladding

All this larch is being coated with a UV protection oil to try to maintain the original colour of the larch and prevent weathering at different rates. The painting of the larch has been a family affair with Ewan and Fraser "helping" me complete the job

Ewan & Fraser hard at work applying UV protection oil

All barge boards and fasica boards have been completed now, only the soffits to go!. Between the weather and running out of oil I got everything done that I could.

The other big thing that happened was the installation of a majority of the full height windows on the ground floor. I helped with some of the smaller ones and can attest that these large triple glazed units are heavy. Its going to be tough for the guys when they come to installing the large windows upstairs.

Dining room windows and balcony doors

Kitchen windows and doors
Lounge full height windows

The down side on the windows is that we have to wait another month until the rest of the units are delivered and installed so unfortunately it will be another month before we are weather tight.

We also had some significant material deliveries during these two weeks with both the ground floor insulation and MVHR ducting and fan unit being delivered. There were 59 pack of insulation deleiverd which all needed moved inside the house.

Ground floor insulation delivered

Due to the scaffolding this was a very physical activity and with each pack weighing 31kg and measuring 2.4 x 1.2m it was a very awkward job. I moved 42 of these by myself before the guys felt sorry for me at the end of the day and pitched to move the remainder. Just as well because my arms were shot  - I ached for two days after that work out!.

The other good news is that the swallows have fledged now and we have removed the nest, so no more waiting on the birds to get the windows installed!

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