Monday 26 March 2012

Water connection made

After what has seemed an age and way more work than should be necessary for what ia a relatively simple operation we have finally got water on site now. This was one of the last pieces we needed in place to allow the screed to be poured. This is scheduled for the 16th April so a busy week for us next week getting the last of the UFH installation done.

The water stop cock cover

One other piece of news that slipped un reported from earlier this month is the installation of a fence around the property. After the building site Heras fencing went the plot was left open so this now encloses it again and forms the start of our landscaping works.

The fence along the road..... the pump and lane....

.....south east boundary.....

....and the boundary with Mawgan

Thursday 22 March 2012

Pictures from February 2012

This will be a first.... this is Heidi updating the blog!!  Aha!  I hope I get this right....

Here are some pictures of the house, taken during our last family trip back to Aberdeen in February 2012.  It was a fun photo session as I was finally able to capture the whole house using my new wide angle lens :)

View of the house from the private lane

View from the instersection of the main road and private lane

View from the main road - loving all the glazing!!

Lounge - flooring insulation down, ready for underfloor heating pipes

Master bedroom suite, minus partition walls - ready for screed!

Part of back side of house... kitchen, utility room, and then garage

Looking forward to our next trip back when we'll finish the underfloor heating pipe installation and have both floors ready for screed!  Very exciting!!!!

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Floor insulation progressing

The first weekend of March I managed to get a weekend of work done on the ground floor insulation and DPM with flights paid by work since I was doing my offshore survival refresher on the Monday.

Mum & I got busy laying the insulation in the utility room wing and DPM in the lounge, study, and utility. The utility room was a royal pain due to all the ducts and pipe work that comes into this area. All these things slow the process up considerably.

DPM down in the lounge...

..and utility room

After getting that work done we started with the insulation in the hall area, laying away from the front door. Laying full sheets is easy, its all the cutting and fiddling that is slow and tedious. After my course on Monday I spent a few more hours working on the fiddly stuff. The way I looked at it is that its a few hours less that I have to do in future!

Insulation going down in the hall
 At the end of last week we had the track inspection completed for the water connection so I am now just waiting on a call to make an appointment to make the connection to the mains. Need water on site to allow filling and testing of the UFH loops

We are back as a familiy again in 2 weeks time. That will be a big push to get the remaining work for the UFH completed so we can get on and get the screed down.