Thursday 22 March 2012

Pictures from February 2012

This will be a first.... this is Heidi updating the blog!!  Aha!  I hope I get this right....

Here are some pictures of the house, taken during our last family trip back to Aberdeen in February 2012.  It was a fun photo session as I was finally able to capture the whole house using my new wide angle lens :)

View of the house from the private lane

View from the instersection of the main road and private lane

View from the main road - loving all the glazing!!

Lounge - flooring insulation down, ready for underfloor heating pipes

Master bedroom suite, minus partition walls - ready for screed!

Part of back side of house... kitchen, utility room, and then garage

Looking forward to our next trip back when we'll finish the underfloor heating pipe installation and have both floors ready for screed!  Very exciting!!!!

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