Sunday 10 March 2013

2nd fix to start soon

Another long gap between blogs - sorry about that but 2 years into the build and I have been taking it a bit easier for a while as other people continue to work hard on the house.

My last trip back to the house was at the beginning of February but mum & dad have been up a couple of times since then as well to keep us upto date with how things are progressing. My work scope last trip back was finishing off MVHR ducting working that had not been completed last year. This is all now completed so we only need to fit the balancing valves once the plaster skim is completed to have this system completed. I also spent time connecting up central vacuum pipe across the house to hook up all the vertical rises that had only been taken to attic level for 1st fix.

Plaster boarding was still on going at this time but the following week this was completed and the plasterer came on site and started to skim everything with the finishing plaster. This work has been on going for the last 5 weeks and the downstairs was completed a couple weeks ago so hoping things are nearing completion upstairs as well. Will find out next week as I am fitting in a day at the house to coincide with a business trip to Aberdeen.



Study wall to storage & toilet

We are back to Aberdeen as a family in a couple weeks time for another session on the house. The good thing now is that everything that is done from this point on is a fairly obvious step towards completion of the build (aiming for end of August at the moment). This also means we now have to start choosing tiles and other finishing for the house. Specifying systems is easy, it must perform a certain task - deciding on what colour to use for floor tiles is not!

Work levels on site are going to be picking up again soon - as are trips to site for myself and Heidi. The week we are over as a family the electrical second fix will start, we are also hoping that our stair installation will commence (some last minute design changes may delay this ) and hopefully the wood burning stove in the living room will be installed. Starting the first week of April our landscaping also will also get going again with the drive way and patio areas being laid. Our home automatic/data 2nd fix should also start in April as should tiling of floors and bathrooms. I believe I can now see a chink of light at the end of the tunnel.

The only negative of the last few weeks has been the GSHP. After saying it was working fine in the last posting it has since quit working as it should. Numerous discussions with technical support has yet to fix the problem and I will have one more attempt this week before getting someone in to fix it. I would get the installer back but he has since quit trading - that 2 renewables companies I have been working with that have gone to the cleaners.

We are in the final stretch now and are looking forward to getting things completed at the end of the summer

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