Thursday 14 March 2013

Work on garage interior started

A quick update after my trip back this week.

Plastering is still going on upstairs, the plaster was not there last week which there was maybe not as much progress as I was expecting. Half the rooms upstairs are now done and things should be heading towards completion by the end of the month. 


Recreation room

Fraser's bedroom
 Stair installation has been delayed due to the last minute design changes but the timing actually works better now with regard to the plastering timing. Hopefully we can now get the hall ceiling painted before the stair goes in. Access will be much easier for this with no stair in place

I started working away on the garage getting insulation in and started to pull some wiring for the electrics. It's amazing how long it can take just to drill holes! not helped by having to go through 200mm of boards to get between upstairs and the main garage. Anyway made good progress but still lots to do out there for completion -  was hoping we wouldn't have to complete the garage for the completion certificate but building control are being a PITA about this and what needs doing in the house

Insulation in garage walls and ceiling

More insulation by garage stairwell
GSHP is now offically needing specialist attention - one final session with technical didn't sort out the problem. Hopefully it's something that can be fixed under warranty.

We have a big work list ready for our trip back as a family but looking forward to it.

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